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OurAlps, the international mountain-oriented education network in the Alps
Legal status
Address of the organisation or head office and telephone number
In progress
The three joint founding entities of the OurAlps Network are:
- Educ’alpes:
- Alparc: (contact details at bottom of page)
- CIPRA International: (contact details at top of page)
Publication director: in progress
Webmaster: Educ’alpes with Alparc
Date of website publication: January 2018
Website creation
Technical development and design architecture maded by WebSenso agency over CMS Drupal 7 .
Web host details
Simplified joint stock company with capital of €10,069,020
Company registration number Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Trade sector code APE 2620Z
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
+33 9 72 10 10 07
Purpose of the website is a participatory website for "OurAlps, the international mountain-oriented education network in the Alps". It offers a tool for exchanging and sharing information made by and for stakeholders in mountain-oriented education in the Alpine countries.
Photos / images
The author of each photo is to be mentioned ‘on’ or ‘near’ the photo or in the photo credit on the internet page. Images can only be reused with the permission of the owner, who is always acknowledged; notice of copyright must also be included.
French data protection act
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you (art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act).
To exercise this right, write to
Content and links
General website pages
All content appearing on the OurAlps internet platform is provided by the organisers for the purposes of general information only. Whilst OurAlps makes every effort to ensure that all the information presented on the website is up to date and accurate in all respects, errors may nevertheless occur. This internet platform is not necessarily updated every day and some information may change following initial publication.
Information published online via forms
OurAlps moderates and monitors all information obtained via forms to ensure that it is related to mountain-oriented education. OurAlps therefore reserves the right to check and, where necessary, modify or delete any content that is found to be off-topic or non-compliant with the purposes of the website.
However, OurAlps does not guarantee that information broadcast on the website is accurate, complete or fully up to date. This is why all information is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind on the part of the publisher. Neither does the publisher accept any liability for any substantive inaccuracies that may occur.
Please tell us if you find any mistakes
We would be very grateful if users of this internet platform would kindly let us know of any omissions, errors or modifications, by contacting OurAlps at
Security of content
OurAlps will not accept any content that is not in line with the values of the network charter or is legally prohibited. In addition to deleting any such content, where necessary OurAlps shall submit the aforementioned content to the law enforcement authorities.
However, should any such content escape the attention of OurAlps, the organisation shall not be held liable for any damage, whether direct or indirect, incurred by users or third parties, as a result of viewing and/or using the website.
OurAlps respectfully requests all visitors to inform them without delay of the presence of any such content via the link provided to this effect, so that the necessary steps can be taken as quickly as possible to address such undesirable intrusions.
Limits of liability
OurAlps accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of any information supplied by the internet platform or from accessing (or being unable to access) its internet platform. For the purposes of convenience, this internet platform may provide links or references to other websites that are not under OurAlps’ control. Accordingly, OurAlps accepts no liability regarding the content of these other websites and cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from using or referring to such content or from accessing or being unable to access such websites.