Alpine School App & Other tools

Alpine School App

A smart way to discover, learn and experience the Alps

How to make learning approaches interactive and at the same time, effectively implement the principles of Mountain-oriented Education in school activities? These problems, including the active involvement of students in field actions, were faced during the development of the Alpine School Model - one of the main outputs of the YOUrALPS project. Under this project, the Alpine school App was developed, a practical pedagogical tool supporting the theoretical approach of the Alpine School Model.

The App

The interactive Alpine school App allows learners and educators to directly observe nature all along its life cycle. The user can describe and upload Mountain-oriented educational activities carried out all over the Alps as well. The App can be used as the perfect complement to in-class lessons in order to explore the issues related to Alpine sustainable development. It also favors exchanges among all the users, who can share their experiences and observations.

How does it work ?

The App is ready-to-use. Its main function is ‘add spot’, making it possible to choose between three pillars: Observation of the Environment, Governance and Socio-Economic. 

The first category consists of the phenological observation* of fauna, flora and weather. It allows the user not only to upload pictures and descriptions of plants and animals all along their life cycle, but also to collect and share information on the weather such as recording particularly hot days for instance. The final objective is to create a common database with all the observations. This is a powerful tool to understand nature life cycle and to understand the vulnerability of nature and to enhance its protection.

With regard to Governance, this category allows users to share educational activities. It is dedicated to all those activities that deal with the sustainable development of the Alpine region.

Finally, under the Socio-Economic pillar users can record places where it is possible to consume sustainably, from shops to restaurants and local markets.


Download App for computer or laptop


Alpine School App Guideline

Download the Alpine School App Guideline


App manual for users

The Practical Manual was developed during the project YOUrALPS with the aim to support educators in the organisation and implementation of outdoor activities for their pupils. This is the ultimate guide on how to structure educational activities in the nature, from the choice of the location, to the implementation and follow up of the activities.

Download App manual for users (EN)

Other versions : IT - FR - SL - DE

Practical manual

The Practical Manual was developed during the project YOUrALPS with the aim to support educators in the organisation and implementation of outdoor activities for their pupils. This is the ultimate guide on how to structure educational activities in the nature, from the choice of the location, to the implementation and follow up of the activities.

Download the practical manual

Short versions : DE - FR - IT - SL



Alpine Toolkit - Educating youth for the Alps

Download Alpine Toolkit


Videos created by Alpine Schools

During the YOUrALPS project, the certified Alpine Schools had the opportunity to create some videos on topics of fundamental importance for a sustainable development in the Alps. Check them out:

What is Alpine School ?

Last Flower (EN)

The Insect Effect

Vivre la montagne (EN)

Par delà les cimes


Together Alone

Waste Mountains